Sunday, June 15, 2014

Breaking NEWS:  As an up coming author, I am creating a a book that has never been written for women in leadership that many have been waiting for. Finally, community leaders, family leaders and those on the front lines of organizations will be able to lead a new world from a place of power rather than unhealed trauma.

Go to and be the first one to know when the book launches and my new website is up .
Currently BOOKING FOR THE Summer,  Fall & Winter  2014 !
Contact me for a free personal or organizational consultation today!

Hot off the Press: I am excited an honored to my first publication as editor and co-author. During the month of February at their Unity through Diversity Conference the Power of Unity- In Our Own Voices launched Shades of Change: A Guide for Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Providers working with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender People of Color. To purchase this amazing guide go to or call 518432-4188.

Booking for the Spring 2014. Healing Personal and Organizational Trauma
Currently BOOKING FOR THE Summer,  Fall & Winter  2014 !
Contact me for a free personal or organizational consultation today!
Dayanara begins all consulting projects with a consultation to determine your individual, organization and community need. Please explore the information in this newsletter and my website.
Visit my website to find out more about Dayanara’s In Bold Rebirth to see how she can contribute to you!
Dayanara Marte, CEO/Founder of In BOLD Rebirth a nationally recognized healing trauma specialist and trainer that has worked for 15 years in creating healing spaces globally. Dayanara defines trauma as man made/natural disasters, institutional, interpersonal and internalized oppression, cultural historical violence and the impact that neglect and poverty have on the mind body and spirit of individuals, families, communities, organizations and movements.
Dayanara Marte provides technical assistant trainings for individuals on the front lines and the spaces they work with in.
Social Workers/Health Care Providers
Advocates, Service Provider
Criminal Justice Enforcement
Community Organizers/Activist
Executive Directors/Front line managers and their staff
Community Based Organizations
Colleges /Students
Artist and Healers
Dayanara Marte creates programs, retreats, workshops and trainings for targeted populations most impacted by violence, injustice, neglect, poverty and oppression.
Foster care/Adoption
Immigrant, Refugees
Rape/Sexual Assault/Incest/Molestation/DV/IPV
Dayanara Marte builds personal and leadership leadership capacity to address internal and organizational trauma.
Child Welfare
Cultural Competence/trauma Informed
Criminal and Juvenile justice
Reproductive Justice
Disaster and Traumatic Stress
Displaced Populations
International and global issues
Mental Health
Social and Economic Issues
Spirituality/Health and Wellness
Violence Against Women & LGBTQ Population
Environmental Crisis, Manmade and Natural Disaster
Family Violence
Cultural Competence/Cultural Humility
Dayanara Marte develops curriculum and model designs, best practices manuals/guides. Most currently Dayanara edited and co-authored Shades of Change: A Guide for Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Providers working with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender People of Color. To purchase this amazing guide go to or call 518432-4188.
Dayanara Marte is available for workshops, presentations, conferences, speaking engagements, healing retreats, and support groups with young and adult women of color and their allies, youth, LGBTQ community and immigrants.  Contact me @