As a certified addiction and recovery counselor she historically contextualizes the treatment of dis-ease as the manifestion of institutional racism, homophobia,classism, sexism and xenophobia and holistically approaches their results on our mental and physical health. Dayanara envisions a world where women lives, their families , the organizations we create and work in and the movements we belong to are grounded in faith, have all the tools necessary to break the silence and be free from the violence we internalize.
As a human rights activist and health and wellness practitioner, Dayanara has developed an alternative healing system that identifies the interconnections of child abuse, incest, sexual assault, rape, relationship abuse , domestic violence, violence against women and the old beliefs, thinking patterns, self destructive behaviors and wounds that keep women from stepping into their power and highest purpose.
As a citizen journalist for World Pulse, Dayanara writes about social injustice, the root causes of health disparities and tells the story about the women on the front lines towards a communities survival, specifically the community of the South Bronx, the poorest congressional district in the nation. Dayanara has been working for 13 years in Mott Haven creating programs that reclaim the cultural/spiritual aspect of change to social justice movements towards the empowerment, healing and transformation of women of color.