"Now, I begin my journey of forgiving myself for not allowing myself to fully participate in the experience of living without the boundaries of fear"
SCESA Institute, National Organization of Sisters of Color Ending Sexual Assault, Nevada 2011
WELCOME ! Being a leader, an organizer and healer for the past 13 years didn't save me from having to go within and look at who I had become and the past that shaped me. Today, I take my lessons and share them with you, my community on the front lines, executive directors, organizers, healers, social workers, teachers, artist, mothers, daughters, grandmothers making sure that you never have to go through the journey alone and definitively not without options or tools to take care of yourself along the journey.
I ACCEPT MYSELF, I AM Inspired, SELF LOVE, Self Expressed, Truth, Dignity, Strength, Forgiveness, Empowered, LOVE, PEACE, Justice, HEALING, Sisterhood, COMMUNITY, Creative, PASSIONATE, Wise, JOY, POWERFUL, Courageous, CHOICE, Reclaiming , FAITH THE PAST HAS NO POWER OVER ME !
What do I Offer?
• I customize workshops and trainings, organize healing retreats, speaking engagement, conferences, offer collective or personal healing circles.
• I provide tools for self care and self awareness so you can identify and
connect your personal struggle to local & global issues and contextualize
your life so you are not a victim to it but that the past serves you to find your purpose.
• I train social justice organizations, nonprofits, businesses and institutions in supporting and building their staffs young and elder, volunteers, interns, students and participant's individual or collective leadership capacity and org & program development by creating safe spaces of healing.
Dayanara Marte is a Latina, Dominican Immigrant from Washington Heights and a lesbian mother of two dedicated to social justice. She is nationally known for her work with young and adult women of color supporting their journey of self healing from the impact that oppression, trauma, violence and poverty has on their mind, body and spirit. As a certified addiction and recovery counselor she holistically addresses mental and reproductive health and internalized oppression as a dis-ease that manifest in our bodies and lives. Dayanara is currently the Executive Director of Casa Atabex Ache in the South Bronx. She recently founded In Bold Rebirth and Behind the Movement Newsletter supporting young & adult women and the LGBTQ community to powerfully exist in the face of the many wars in their lives. In 2010, Dayanara became a citizen journalist for World Pulse, Voices of Our Future Correspondent and is currently blogging for Global Connect: A Gender Justice writing project with Women E News and the Global Press Institute.
Dayanara, is available for workshops, presentations, conferences, speaking engagements, healing retreats, and support groups with young and adult women of color and their allies, youth, LGBTQ community and immigrants. To contact Dayanara, please call her at 914-357-1430 or email her at inboldrebirth@gmail.com.